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Your Gut and Your Health

Your Gut and Your Health

Jun 24th 2024

The latest research has revealed the variety of bacteria in our gut, and how they affect our overall health. Depending on your gut bacteria, you can be more likely to be affected by certain diseases or have an immune system that can prevent even the most serious viral and bacterial infections.

But is there a way that we can change or improve our gut health? Researchers are saying that lifestyle choices, diet, and activities can have an impact, and they can be both positive and negative.

A bad diet, insufficient nutrition, and stress can all create a gut system that can make your gut health unbalanced.Signs of bad gut health include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But is there a way to improve this?

Signs You Need to Improve Your Gut Health

But the problem with some of the symptoms of bad gut health is that they are minimal and often considered the result of one bad meal or one bad party. But if you experience any of these symptoms for a longer period along with the following indications, it’s a sign that your gut needs help.

You cannot sleep or have very little sleep.

Often we think lack of sleep or insomnia is just the result of overactivity of the brain or the result of stimulants such as caffeine. However, if you notice you are only sleeping a few hours a night and wake up feeling tired despite sleeping early, it can be a sign of poor gut health.

You gained or lost a lot of weight over a short period of time.

Eating too much processed food and starch can make you gain unnecessary weight, and when it happens over a short period of time, it can be a sign that your gut is suffering from your bad dietary choices.

This might also happen if you do not eat a lot of fiber, and too much processed and high sugar foods can also make you gain weight. Even if you are staying active and exercising, this can still happen. When it does, it’s best to change your food choices.

But if you also lost a lot of weight over a short period of time, this could also indicate bad gut health. Your gut may have developed an imbalance that affects your body’s ability to store fat and absorb nutrients.

You develop rashes or other skin irritations.

Skin irritations not only arise from external factors, but they could also arise from internal factors. One sign of bad gut health is skin irritations, as your immune system cannot respond well to bacteria that come into contact with your skin.

You develop food intolerances.

If you develop a food intolerance recently, your immune system may be reacting because of an imbalance in the system. The latest research suggests that some intolerances such as lactose intolerance could be caused by poor gut bacteria quality.

How do you know you have developed food intolerance? If you feel bloated, gassy, or nauseous after eating that particular food, it means you have an intolerance for it. The most common is gluten, caffeine, fructose, and lactose.

Improving Your Gut Health

There are several things you can do to improve your gut health, and these can all be done by making good choices in your diet and positive changes in your lifestyle. The following things can improve your gut heath:

Take a supplement to improve gut health.

There are now supplements like IgG supplements that can improve and protect the quality of your gut bacteria. These are all dietary supplements that can help maintain a healthy gut, ensuring a healthy microbial balance.

IgG supplements, when taken regularly, can decrease the likelihood of an overreacting immune system and prevent unnecessary inflammation in the body. Get supplements that are dairy-free and full of iGG or immunoglobulin, which helps maintain a healthy intestinal environment for gut bacteria.

You can also take probiotic or prebiotic supplements that can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. If you are unsure which to take, it’s best to check with your physician to know which one suits your health profile.

Get enough sleep.

It’s best to sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day to improve your immune system and gut bacteria. Our body does a lot more than rest when we sleep. Good quality sleep improves brain and immune system performance, which means it’s better to prevent illnesses and diseases from developing.

Eat more fiber and fermented food.

Fiber is a good way to clean the gut and ensure it stays healthy. Eat more vegetables, legumes, fruits, and grains. These can improve your digestion and clean out the system by flushing out gut content that makes you feel bloated and gassy.

Drink more water.

Another reason why people feel their gut health is not improving is they drink way less water. Often people stay hydrated by drinking coffee, tea, soda, or energy drinks. Often these have chemicals that can affect your gut bacteria, and can make it more acidic and less healthy.

Drink at least eight glasses of filtered water a day, or at least five liters of water, to ensure that you are properly hydrated.

Your Gut is You

Our greatest wealth is our health, and the least you can do is to improve your diet and change your lifestyle for a healthier you. Get an igG supplement and protect your gut bacteria balance, and along with a good diet and enough sleep, you’ll improve your overall health and immune system.